Mar 30, 2006


Some of my favorite places on earth...

Athens modern day

The Parthenon



Colosseum (my guide Paulo was fabulous... ly handsome) , Roman agora & forum, Parthenon, St. Peter's (at the Vatican)

Switzerland - L'Abri

Huemoz, our little town.

The funnest people at L'Abri.

On my running path.

Just a flag waving American...

Well I'm back in the US! Safe & sound, jet lagged & content. My only goal over the next two days is to consume as much Starbucks French Roast as humanly possible and organize my life. Thanks to everyone I love for being so lovely to me, wherever I am in this crazy world.
Pics to follow.
(ragged and travelworn) -

Mar 20, 2006

I cut my hair...

... into a mullet. Now I love it but I'm definitely wondering what the wider social response will be... I have this picture of Dad's face saying, "that's... unique."
This is like the time I got stuck in front of that huge Baptist church wearing a see-through white shirt when Dad was being commissioned to church plant Journey.
Why do I do these things?
I hope Faith reads this.

Mar 18, 2006

World Race!!

So I'm officially a participant in World Race 2007! Wow! So Jimmy and I are gonna backpack it for a whole year... around the whole world! I've packed this one out with prayer (and crossed fingers, admittedly). I'm sooo excited! Now to raise about 20K...

check it out:


So I've been chilling in Greece! It's really fabulous. There is nothing like standing on the ruins of such a great civilization (felt it in Italy too) to feel the smallness of man... the frailty of our attempts... the futility of so many of our goals. I'm not trying to be morbid. This is a fabulous time of life! I'm very grateful for this year... now if only it were twenty degrees warmer everywhere! This has been a great time to reflect on L'Abri and life in general. Two more weeks of fun and festivity and then it's back to the grind.