Apr 13, 2008

Birthday 23

It's been a while since I've blogged. I'm not particularly uninspired, just somehow not as loquacious as usual. My lack thereof has provoked some thought, but not much. For the most part, I excuse my incommunicato with my busyness - teaching school and planning marriage stuff... although I perhaps it's just one of those characteristic "gaps" that I often experience. Sometimes I think that it's necessary to just pull back from sharing and be, intelectually and spiritually, alone. And it has been a good and necessary hiatus. I don't know if this is intrinsically selfish, but I experience it nonetheless.

It's nice being engaged. Planning life together isn't our favorite (neither of us "enjoy" logistics or job-hunting) but the prospect of it coming together is exhilerating. It's amazing how much peace I have with this, considering my former reticence to any kind of committment. I am so completely sure of Chris... of his character, of our "rightness" together. I really am thrilled to spend the rest of my life with him! And the surety I have now of always having someone by whom to define my life is... nice.

My lovely, strong mother got pneumonia. I was so shocked! She was getting progressively weaker and more genuinely pitiful.. eventually I scheduled her a doctor appointment and the verdict was: pneumonia in her lungs. Upon hearing this news, I immediately grabbed the camera and shot this picture, in case she died... I wantef to remember what she looked like in those final moments. I mean, seriously, pneumonia. Yikes.
(I am - hopefully obviously - being very tongue-in-cheek... she is recovering nicely.)

It was a wonderful Birthday! The night before, Friday night, we had a family celebration (most of these pictures are from that). The next day, Chris took me to the Sarasota Film Festival and we watched movies & ate junk food literally *all day*! We saw some wonderful short films, a Norwegian romantic comedy, a documentary on Harry Potter, and a new movie called Phoebe in Wonderland (absolutely fantastic). Today we woke up and got to work - but I have to say that I am so refreshed and happy after my wonderful day.