Nov 12, 2006

"The French are ... Harry"

(don't read that "the French are hairy" because it's this inside joke... ok?)

So I was watching the movie Gigi. It's fabulous.
There is this one part where Gaston goes to his uncle in a rant after having been rejected by Gigi. He says,

"I tell you, Europe is breeding a generation of vandals and ingrates. Children are coming into the world with ice covered souls and hatchets in their hands. And before they have finished they'll smash everything beautiful and decent."

His uncle replies: "Have a piece of cheese."

That is so French. It humorously sums up so much of the way the French deal (or don't deal) with problems.

A really good book with pretty thorough insights on the French (specifically Parisian) worldview is Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik.

Funniest line in Gigi: Her aunt saying of her, "such stupidity is without equal in the entire history of human relations."
That's so something a McCarty would say. drama.

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