Jan 22, 2007


I just had coffee with Amanda, my mentoring partner for WR. We had a good vent. I am in Palenque (in a city) for the next couple of days after a week in a more rural setting called Aguilar out here in southern MX. I was sad to leave this morning... I love being with the kids in Aguilar.

Anyways, Amanda and I are woven of similar fabric. We both love people and traveling but rather cringe at traditional white man missions. It is bad enough to perform cultural faux paus unwittingly but even worse to impose our version of spirituality on people before whom is displayed the majesty of God in the form of mountains and rivers and skies.
I was reading in Psalm 19 about how the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of his hands... there is no speech or language where there voice is not heard, their message goes out to the ends of the earth. (I cannot find quote marks on this keyboard, apologies). It makes me realize this one essential truth, especially of people surrounded by natural beauty, the innate message of creation (that there exists a personable Creator God) is louder and more meaningful than any message I could articulate with my feeble words.

I am not here to make Christians... I am here to live. As I sat on top of a hill the other day and had some time with the Lord, he kept reminding me, THIS is why you are here. To be with Jesus. To adventure with Jesus. To live with Jesus.

These people, any people, do not need my words (even less my English words, since they speak Espanol, haha), they need to know this Creator God, who has gone to such great pains to display himself and his character in their world.

My voice is so weak compared to his. The voice of the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon... so I will speak, of course, when I can... but more importantly, I will walk with Juana down to the river and clap for Jose as he learns to jump rope and throw the frisbee with Migel and I will go about my living... hoping never to think myself capable of eclipsing the grandeur of Gods glorious message, alive all around me, available to all mankind.

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