Apr 29, 2007

Birthday! Good gifts...

Happy happy Joy joy
L-R whole group plus Jimmy

The girls - L-R, Morgan, Katie, Amanda, me, Candice, Ginger

The pictures have arrived
Hot tub at the end of a wonderful day

From my big brother yay

Joy on my chocolate and heart sprinkled bed

At the most wonderful hotel ever

Ginger and Joy in the taxi, stage one of the best Bday with my girls

Joy and Amanda yahoo

Joy and Ginger hooray

Ginger and Amanda in our beautiful hotel room

Before I get too chronologically messed up, I wanted to begin a blog about my birthday. Now, this isnt exactly her fault but Im still waiting on the MAIN pictures, which are on Gingers camera. Hopefully those are coming soon.

My 22nd Birthday was an extravaganza. Having Jimmy on this trip has many many advantages, not the least of which is doting attention and on-demand back-massage privileges.

I woke up the Monday before my Thursday Birthday this year to a huge yellow poster that said, "22 surprises for 22 years of life!" And that was the beginning...

1. Morning hug, 2. Scripture encouragement, 3. "What I like about Joy", 4. Starbucks! 5. A new dress! 6. Earrings to go with your new dress, 7. a necklace to go with your new dress! 8. New shoes! 9. Salad lunch 10. Serious conversation 11. Diet Coke! 12. Another new outfit! 13. Nail polish... the day included 22 such surprises, a day in the mall, trying on dresses, being adored and affirmed, and then culminated in a web-cam Skype home! It was the most amazing day! Can anyone believe how thoughtful and beautiful he is to me? These are big shoes to fill. I dont have adequate words to honor him as he deserves. He is truly loving. And there is no more Christlike character quality than that.

Soooo I think that was a fabulous Birthday and I am completely content.

But is it over? Oh no.

Wednesday afternoon I receive a card from Ginger that says, "your survival kit must include..." and a variety of items... including a bathingsuit, workout clothes, magazines-reading material, and overnight toiletries. So, puzzled to say the least, and a little bit sad about missing my family and having to work a double-day building a church in Lomo, I drink up my Coke Light and continue on with my day.

And then, the morning comes... and the first surprise of the day is beautiful Brienna with a venti latte from Starbucks! (and this certainly is a sacrifice because she HATES getting up early). Then Annie hands me a box of chocolates and tells me to enjoy them today...and instead of putting on work clothes and getting in a bus up to Lomo I pack my pink duffel and put on my Birthday dress as the girls pick me up and hail a cab. And we are off!

I have no idea where we are going but continual hints of mountains and tents scare me a bit... but I will have a good attitude.

And then...

We pull up in downtown Lima to Los Americanos. The doorman in a suit opens the door and takes my bag and I see 5 of the most beautiful gleaming shapes on the door... 5-Star hotel, baby. Carpet, hot water, TOWELS (how long has it been since Ive had a towel??), a kitchenette, real beds, SHEETS, a TV, curtains, glass windows, wood furniture (any furniture!), a COUCH...

They are so thoughtful. My bed is littered with chocolate, there is Coke Light chilling in the fridge. Our hotel is next to a gymnasium and I am on for a Pilates class the next morning. There is a sauna and hot tub on the roof. I am in heaven.

We spend the next 24 hours in complete and utter bliss. It is enjoyable, relaxing, and lovely. I feel God in these girls. They get me to a computer, they find a man to give me his cellphone so I can call my mom on my Birthday... every single wish I could ever have desired has been abundantly fulfilled... beyond my wildest dreams.

Amanda and Ginger are true friends. I almost cry when I think about the fact that they have only known me for a mere 4 months are willing to so extravagantly bless me, and so specifically to my desires. I am in awe.

And, what is more, I am in awe of God. He truly does give good gifts to his children.

Thank you to everyone who made this the most undeservedly fabulous 22nd Birthday ever!


Cusco, Peru! (Cusco-topia)

Can you believe I get to enjoy these experiences with my lovely brother? Im so happy!

On top of the world in Machu Pichu

My norms are coming.

Apr 23, 2007

Red Balloon

I wrote this monologue to perform at worship night.

One day I took my foot off the break. I wasn´t even thinking about it... it was almost a twitch that I just followed through with. I don´t have a history of irregular behavior. I don´t even do weird things. I´m abysmally normal - routine, same old life. Even the smells in my life are the same: the acrid burning of a crusty coffee pot, a squirt of my vanilla perfume, a walk by the gutter for a smell of wet trash and soggy diapers. Usually I walk so I smell a lot of gross things (Anywhere humans congregate we tend to pool our filth). But for some reason that day I drove. I have a car... an old Buick, dark green, thousands and thousands of miles. It bears scars of its not-so-gentle interactions with other cars. I tend to rear-end people. It´s like the movie "Crash": however hurtful or damaging, sometimes we become so desperate for human contact that we just have to (CRASH) in to each other. For some reason that doesn´t make me shy. I like to drive and I´m going to! I have no reason to be defensive about that! I mean, I really didn´t do anything... it´s more what I Didn´t do. Yeah, that´s probably a better way to put it: one day I didn´t push the brake (it´s amazing that such a small action could create this much trouble for me. I´m sure there´s some physical equation for the amount of force needed to keep a brake pedal down... and it varies for different vehicles. ANd maybe the amount of force needed changes. So, in all reality, owing to the age and state of repair my car is in, it could all have been a mistake, a misjudgment, an accident.)
I know it wasn´t an accident. But the fact that it could´ve been helps.
It wasn´t a unique day. The sky was white (I hate white skies). I was late to my job as a dental tech. It´s not the kind of job that one can be late for without retribution. Maybe I was avoiding the inevitable backlash of my irresponsibility. It´s not my fault, of course. I burned my hand on the iron first thing. Then I got shampoo in my eye. Then I couldn´t find my Friday scrubs... the ones with the little doggies on them. (I hate those scrubs. I don´t mean dislike. If I could find the half-blind, graphic-design freshman who created that pattern and drag him by his trendy glasses out of Starbucks and throw him in front of a bus, I would. It´s a hateful swirl of pastels picturing brown, floppy-eared dogs. Now there are splotches of reddish-brown. Crusty red splotches.) After that level of stress, it was almost hateful for me to go into public.
I just remembered that I forgot to brush my teeth. I work in a dentist´s office. There are a lot of strange ironies in my life. Like, for example, how my route will have to change forever because I made one little social gesture. Maybe that´s what it was: rebellion against the pointless laws that are created to standardize behavior and have the unfortunate byproduct of conformity and classes. Maybe a big red sign is a familiar object - even to little kids - but I saw it then as a statement, and one I didn´t want to heed. So, I didn´t. What´re the chances that some fit mom running with a double stroller would cross the intersection and be on the receiving end of my gesture? Does anybody else find that strange?
I can´t say it was an accident because maybe there are no accidents. Based on my day, I think it´s safe to say that the white-faced fates glared at me, showing their opinion in no uncertain terms.
Some people get awy with everything- literally! Stealing, lying, cheating, you name it: lives without consequences. Do you know that when I was little my luck was so poor that on my 9th birthday I lost my red balloon, got pushed into the mud in my new shoes, and ran out of cupcakes before my turn? Well, whose turn is it now to be unlucky? Haha.
I saw her. I did. And I didn´t want her red balloon to fly away, I wanted it to (POP). I had to hear it. That´s why I went back. I wanted to commiserate, really... to know that someone else felt the dead weight of loss. When I lost my red balloon, I watched it float away until it was only a red speck. There is something very uniting between humans about being unredeemable. We can´t be saved. None of us. We can´t save what slips through our fingers... like catching water.
I think it´s the little things that set me off the fastest... like that drip. Some fluid was leaking from my car. A leak. I went back for the pop and heard the drip. I can´t imagine that I would be blamed for escaping such a god-awful noise Nobody likes repetitive noises. EVerybody gets annoyed sometimes. I can hardly be blamed. Just a foot. That´s all I actually did; took my foot off the brake.
I do remember some curved metal. It couldn´t glint like metal should becaue of the sunless sky. I hate it for not glinting.
We were near grass and there was a bit of a splash: red on green. Red on green. Like a stoplight. Maybe if there had been a stoplight I would´ve stopped. All red, oen tiny squirmy body lay on the grass but didn´t cry. I kind of hated it for not crying. Maybe if it had drowned out that constant dripping I would´ve been okay, I would´ve stayed.
I don´t remember much then. It was an uneventful drive but I felt all wet. I cleaned myself up; my nose was bleeding. Sometimes I get nosebleeds. I remember in highschool I loved Bobby Brown - a classic cutie. One unfortunate day I rushed to Geometry trying to stop a nosebleed and who should I hit as I speed around the corner? Bobby, of course. And now he thinks I´m gross, no doubt. I hate nosebleeds. I´m hungry for breakfast.
But the blood keeps flowing.
I pull my hand away after touching my nose: red fingers. I look to the mirror and am surprised to see red flashes of light. What´s happening?
Click. Click. I can´t open my door - it´s stuck-... why are my fingers red!?! What? Wh-? Help! My hands!
I can´t hold my balloon!
Sometimes our hate is so toxic that we can only see ourselves as wronged, never wrong. We are too self-absorbed to see the nose on our own face, the reality right next to us. Open your eyes. That reality you´re romanticizing may just be your fault. And all you think you did was lift a foot.

Apr 18, 2007


I fear that this has degenerated into mere travelogue. But, for Mom, I will continue. I do not have the time nor the mental energy to exert creativity here... so I will just write the basic high points, travelogue y stuff. This is a new genre for me. Perhaps I could look at it as such.

Our host family here in Villa el Salvador! Juan, Estella and family. These are lovely people of God who were so kind, so generous... I am so grateful that they let 10 plus noisy gringos invade their home for 5 weeks. What an incredible blessing.

Juan Esteban. Every morning we wake up to hear him... talking in his own way... this picture is posed in case anyone wonders... but he certainly did have a lot of sugar at our going away fiesta! Did the little tyke in.

My lovely and beloved brother on the first day of Iglesia de Shalom in Lomo de Corvina... he is so popular! All the little boys run up to me saying, "donde es tu hermano? Donde es Jimey?".

On the christening day of the new church we built in Lomo de Corvina (through prayer, conversions, some discipleship, and actual construction). A very special day. In pastels. (L to R) Annie, Mary, Ginger, Morgan, me and down below is Rober.

Moto taxi! Or took took. A tiny, rickety little motorcycle with a steel tent of a body. 6 of us fit in one of these babies. And I cannot forget Camillo, our favorite moto taxi driver ever. I will miss you! Thank you for all of your hard work for us!

This is a typical view of Lomo de Corvina (backbone of the fish, I think it means)... lots of sand, hot and dusty dusty... little particle board houses. Some of them are quite nice with glass windows. Apparently the whole community burned down some years ago and they had to rebuild. It is fairly rural. The community has just recently petitioned government leaders (through a protest) to give them water and electricity, so we will see what comes of that. They live simply with lots of dogs and outdoor cooking and great big tubs (like an American garbage can) full of water. We built the first church in this area.

Apr 3, 2007

Peru 2

Some pics of my world here in Peru.

We are super-busy, pulling like 15 hour days... it's emotionally exhausting! But I'm not complaining because I can see good in it: we are doing what our host church asks us to do and that is good, plus I am being stretched in new ways to rely on God! It's somewhat of an introvert's nightmare but I can see that as good if I look at it thus: any opportunity I have to reach the end of myself (emotionally, physically, spiritually) is an opportunity for me to learn to rely on the Holy Spirit for virtue and grace. And that reliance is part of my life goal anyway! So I refuse to call it bad or complain. I am grateful for this season here in Peru!