Feb 18, 2010

Change (Not As In Loose)

  Lately, in many of my life contexts, the topic of discussion has been change: the dynamic nature of life, relationships, and individuals.
  Some people, it has been posited, are pre-disposed to acclimate to change or even invite change with relative ease. Others, perhaps worriers or more type-a people, resist and even fear change.
  But here's the rub: change is inevitable... not an option... even for the unwilling worrywart, change happens. Life cycles on in its brutal karmaic tradition and our propensity to handle change well either leaves us growing and dynamic or bitter. I do think that a lot of bitterness stems from life "changing without our permission." We don't want our friends and family to move away or die. We don't want to learn new jobs and skills. We don't want to lose money, homes, security. We resent teenagers for defying our treasured traditions.....

But the times they are a'changing... and we either adapt and engage or withdraw and become irrelevant, lost in memories of "better days," stubbornly unaware that THIS is the time of the harvest, the day of salvation.

"The function off the historian is neither to love the past nor to emancipate himself from the past, but to master and understand it as the key to the understanding of the present." ~ E. H. Carr

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