Oct 26, 2006


Babies are sick... it seems like all of them at the same time. Yesterday I just cried. Mitchell has an ear infection, Hollis just had his surgery, Malea's nose is runny, etc. etc. etc. Even Jaret seems to be having a really hard go. It just kills me. I want to be magic. I want to be Mary Poppins and give them a spoonful of sugar, yummy medicine, tuck them in and make them all better. Why can't I make them better? It makes me so sad.

(Although I do have to say today God gave me joy in my heart in spite of it all. Plus I got my first unsolicited "I love you" from Hayes... we were eating lunch and she just looked at me and said, "Joy, I love you." She's coming along. My precious girl.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joy,

About "Babies" that was the most amazing link of your website. I think it is my favorite!!! I can't belive Hayes said, "Joy, I love you" and I can't belive you cried because of how sick the kids you babysat were!!!


Hannah :*