Jan 10, 2007

Oh, and...

Today we had a prophecy session (these crazy charismatic AIM people! They are seriously more charismatic than I AM and that´s saying something) and God was having people call out what they feel their calling or ¨inheritance¨ is.

This is what God said to me -

You will hold dying people. You will escort people dying of AIDS to the gates of heaven. You will witness, to honor and dignify, the final moments of people´s lives, pray the final benediction, and usher their spirits into the presence of God.

That isn´t appealing. But I feel it very deeply within me.


Anonymous said...

That isn't appealing? -

Could there be any calling more severe in mercy than yours? -

There are no words to meet your own.

Charismatic, or not, they are awesome

Unknown said...

I'm following your and Jimmy's trip through your Blogs. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Uncle Rae

Leah said...

My heart was clenched for a moment.

I feel like you just said, "I'm pregnant."
