Apr 18, 2007


I fear that this has degenerated into mere travelogue. But, for Mom, I will continue. I do not have the time nor the mental energy to exert creativity here... so I will just write the basic high points, travelogue y stuff. This is a new genre for me. Perhaps I could look at it as such.

Our host family here in Villa el Salvador! Juan, Estella and family. These are lovely people of God who were so kind, so generous... I am so grateful that they let 10 plus noisy gringos invade their home for 5 weeks. What an incredible blessing.

Juan Esteban. Every morning we wake up to hear him... talking in his own way... this picture is posed in case anyone wonders... but he certainly did have a lot of sugar at our going away fiesta! Did the little tyke in.

My lovely and beloved brother on the first day of Iglesia de Shalom in Lomo de Corvina... he is so popular! All the little boys run up to me saying, "donde es tu hermano? Donde es Jimey?".

On the christening day of the new church we built in Lomo de Corvina (through prayer, conversions, some discipleship, and actual construction). A very special day. In pastels. (L to R) Annie, Mary, Ginger, Morgan, me and down below is Rober.

Moto taxi! Or took took. A tiny, rickety little motorcycle with a steel tent of a body. 6 of us fit in one of these babies. And I cannot forget Camillo, our favorite moto taxi driver ever. I will miss you! Thank you for all of your hard work for us!

This is a typical view of Lomo de Corvina (backbone of the fish, I think it means)... lots of sand, hot and dusty dusty... little particle board houses. Some of them are quite nice with glass windows. Apparently the whole community burned down some years ago and they had to rebuild. It is fairly rural. The community has just recently petitioned government leaders (through a protest) to give them water and electricity, so we will see what comes of that. They live simply with lots of dogs and outdoor cooking and great big tubs (like an American garbage can) full of water. We built the first church in this area.


Anonymous said...

I didn't see any comments, so, I thought I'd let you know I'm still following you on your journey. Please say hello to Jimmy for me.

Your Cousin Rae (Amanda's son)

shirley said...

See, you can pull off this genre and besides it makes me happy. Don't get me wrong I love the creative stuff y also.