May 3, 2006

Quote of the day

I can't vouch for this guy's credentials (dang it, I just broke the binding on my book) but Tozer quoted him:

"God does not communicate to us so much as He just is Himself in us. We are the vessels, the containers, so that the first work after the new birth is to cultivate the habit of receptivity."
Norman Grubb

It is a spiritual receptivity, Tozer argues, that is the distinguishing mark between those who "find" God (in His manifest presence) in a way others do not. The onus is on us: do we have a habit of spiritual response?

"My heart says of you, 'Seek his face.' Your face, oh Lord, I will seek." (Ps. 27:8)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

About 5 years ago I had a total life changing experience with God. It was only 2 seconds of time, but there has hardly been a day since that I have not thought about it. But I have often thought.. did God show up for me, or was he always there and I didn't see Him. I agree with is up to us, cuz He IS there..we just have to be at the place in our spirit to feel, see and hear Him. And when we are...I think 2 seconds and sustain a lifetime :o).