May 23, 2007

London- one brief day of spring

One of the curious things about traveling is how quickly seasons change. And then sometimes it's a little ridiculous.... In 24 hours I went from impending winter to a beautiful, British spring day. It honestly was so refreshing to my soul. I know I'm supposed to appreciate all of the seasons, ("God created summer and winter") but my Florida body just doesn't understand why there isn't perpetual warmth and sunshine in every corner of the world. So, though I landed in a wintry South Africa, for one brief day I rested in the sunshine and enjoyed spring.

Highlight of my London visit - ever since developing a (somewhat politically hypocritical) crush on Tony Blair, I was actually able to walk by his house. It was off of a sun-speckled sidewalk near parliament. He is very handsome. And that's all I'll say on that subject.

Girls goofing with guards

We stopped over for a brief 8 hours or so to hang out in London. Besides breaking out into hives after a midday jet-lag prevention nap in the park beside Buckingham Palace, it was fun. I love to share new places with Jimmy! (note well the NEW Harry Potter book is coming soon!)

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