Feb 6, 2007


Antigua, Guatemala is completely lovely. I am in heaven. It is such a cultural change from Mexico... coffee shops everywhere, lots of tourists around, heavenly weather (low 70s I´d guess), paved roads, pretty people. I´m looking forward to my time here. Please pray that we get to work at an orphanage! For full details of the race, see one of the other blogs... they´ve written incredibly detailed reports of our 5am wake up call (amigos! Amigos!), lake submersion, and surprise race start. I am proud of my team. We were able to maintain a good balance of fun and competition. I enjoy the challenge of the race portions!
More importantly, though, I am excited about seeing what roads the Holy Spirit has prepared here in Guatemala. I am eager to be obedient to his leading this month.

The 1st pic is one Josh snapped of me praying.
The 2nd pic is of the cross we had to hike up to in Antigua (early morning... raced to it, prayed for an hour, then raced to a park and a fountain for the finish line.)

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