Jun 16, 2007

My mommy

I do not overspeak when I say that I am nearest of kin to one of the true followers of God. And I miss her so badly I can barely say that much. I think I e-mailed her six times today just to tell her that I've missed her. For the first time in my life I think that I may be a trifle homesick.

But my point is this, in all truth: I want to be the kind of person who purposefully aligns my life with true believers.. people whose theology and character are proven and sure. And, as I was telling my precious Chris Youell the other day, I am related to some such people, not the least of whom is my beautiful mother. She has a level of integrity and lives in such a place of passion for God and truth that I can't help but know that she has seen God. I want to know her secrets and live close to her pattern of life. I want to be her friend and be mentored by her.

I mean it, Mom. I know it's Father's Day and all, but this is my belated Mother's Day post (I'm running about 6 weeks behind on this blogging thing.) I love you so much. I miss you! See you in 5 months!

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