Jun 29, 2007


I miss everyone. Maybe everyone I've ever met. Anyways, I know I'm going a bit post-crazy, but I'm a bit stifled these days.

Irrationality and modern philosophy - my life, these days...

I'm reading Schaeffer's "He is There and He is Not Silent" (again).
I was expressing to Ginger the other day my personal dryness these days. I think so much of it is a result of living daily in a community with whom I am in acute philosophical and theological dissonance. These are modern liberals, post-modernists... and some of them even non-thinkers. And it is so very very hard for me!I think Schaeffer articulates well the basic problems I have with this version of thought (or non-thought):

"Much that is religious, and specifically the Western liberal theology, moves over into the field of irrationality and says, 'We have no answer for this, but let us take a step of faith against all reason and all reasonableness and say that God is good.' That is the position of all modern liberal theology, whether it is the old-line rational liberalism or whether it is the Barthian thinking. But this should be seen for what it is: a part of the answer of chaos and irrationality...."

This is part of the reason that I categorize so many of the sermons I'm hearing and testimonies of "God's power" as nonsense! It is not only unrational, it is probably irrational... anti-rational. And it infuriates and befuddles me. How can we content ourselves with such nonsensical, foolish explanations? There ARE answers!!! Is Christianity so philosophically inept that we cannot even articulate rational answers to the problems or phenomena of life? Absolutely not. I refuse to believe I'm living with such a dysfunctional, stupid system of belief. And Schaeffer speaks to this end, as well:

"Evangelicals often make a mistake today. Without knowing it, they slip over into a weak position. They often thank God in their prayers for the revelation we have of God in Christ. This is good as far as it goes, and it is wonderful that we do have a factual revelation of God in Christ. But I hear very little thanks from the lips of evangelicals today for the propositional revelation in verbalized form that we have in the scriptures. He must indeed not only be there, but he must have spoken. And he must have spoken in a way that is more than simply a quarry for emotional, upper-story experiences. We need propositional facts. We need to know who he is, and what his character is, because his character is the law of the universe. He has told us what his character is, and this becomes our moral law, our moral standard. It is not arbitrary, for it is fixed in God himself, in what has always been. It is the very opposite of what is relativistic. It is either this or morals are not morals, but simply sociological averages or arbitrary standards imposed by society or the state. It is one or the other."

I am almost desperately hungry for...

theological imperatives
unyielding standards
absolute truth claims...

Isn't Christianity supposed to supply this? Mine does. I will cling by my fingernails if I have to ... but I refuse to abandon this for emotional brainlesness.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You, Joy Marie, are the truest of mystics - because you know that true sincerity only comes from certainty and never the other way round.

Let your mindful emotions be a light - - - and God will reveal the difference to those about you in His own time...

God works in no uncertain terms so as to never be robbed of His glory. Even the 'mysterious ways' of the Spirit are inexhaustibly certain!

Don't lose heart - For you worship in spirit and in truth. Be your incendiary self and God's people will be drawn to the flame.