Apr 23, 2006


Henry David Thoreau said that "nothing is to be feared except fear itself."

What am I so afraid of?

I can feel it... a liquid deep within that cannot be contained,
Spilling out; inky blackness poisoning
My clean slate, my fresh start.
No more delusions of grandeur
Or hopes for complete freedom
There can be no rebirth or recovery
Because enslavement goes beyond
Lurking shadows and illusive figures;
To be in bondage is to truly be crippled,
Shut out from the light others enjoy,
Shackled to the visceral reality
That before I can move a single step
Or take a single breath,
I must consult my unwanted companion
My soul's next of kin
Because he will have his say
And he seems to always win.
How can I not be a victim?
Who will help me out?
I'm resigned to stay in here...
Until I get wrinkled and restless...
As long as there's an
Maybe it means
This won't last

Why am I so afraid?

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