Apr 13, 2006


So much of my life revolves around kids... working with kids, loving them, kissing their boo-boos, quelling their fears, listening to them scream.. and whine.. and putting them in time out... okay you get the point... April is the month of child-abuse awareness in the US. Congress lights a candle every first Wednesday of the month with three wicks to represent the three children that die every minute from child abuse. Every minute. Count to 60. Guess what, friends? The travesty of our superpower, popstar, dominating culture is that there are no longer three wicks on that candle: there are four. Because the numbers are climbing.
It shocks me that the American public is too self-absorbed, too distracted to have some decency, grow some cojonas, and stand up for a worthy cause. We are very sick. We are very deceived. And I am very disappointed.

So, let's take action, educate ourselves, and get aware! (that's the moral of the story... I promise I'll get off my soapbox now)


Last night we had to tell Anthony, my brother, about the move. When he first came over we pumped up the jam and danced around like idiots, like we always do. Breathless and laughing, we fell down onto the couches and had an honest heart-to-heart.

The doorbell rang and a parent came to the door to pick up one of their kids. I straightened up and said, 'hey' to let him know an adult was present. Anthony looked at me and said, "I don't think that worked... no one thinks of you as an adult! You're a kid! That's why everyone loves to hang out with you."

I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you.

But I love you, Anthony! Little baby.

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