Apr 25, 2006


There's something to be said for the 'way things have always been done.'
I'm not naive enough to think myself amazingly unique or cunningly original; I realize that even my deepest philosophical questions find their answers in the thorough thinking of great people who have lived long before my time. I realize that I am not alone nor am I isolated in my constant questioning (thank God for Leah, CW, Nick and Mom: I would feel like a three-headed reptile without you guys). (Um. Bad simile. You get what I mean.)
I had it posed to me (what else is new?) that I should get M'd. Okay okay joke's on me I realize that feminism isn't so much a front as rather unfeasible for someone with my extreme plague of irresponsibility and flightiness. I know I can be a space cadet, I know I can't balance a checkbook, I know I like to cook and I know I dig kids... so I guess this is all adding up to that one (somewhat terrifying) end of the big M.
I guess what really strikes me and what I really contemplate (beyond my lack of desire to be M'd) is that maybe I'm trying too hard to reinvent the wheel with this life thing.
I mean, I graduated so ridiculously early and traipse around the world seeking some writing in the sky as to life direction. Perhaps that isn't the way.
Tradition tells me that there is something to M. There is something to procreation. There is something that humans (I include myself) must innately desire and instinctually do.
I don't want to be trapped by a self-important craving to be different or rebellious. I really am just a person. Not a totally normal one, granted, but I'm not exempt from normal desires. And perhaps those normal desires ought to lead me in a more normal life than I've been looking for.
So maybe I need to do something I should for once.
Or at least consider it.
In a rather distant, way-in-the-future kind of way.
I'm definitely right back where I started.
Right now.
Oh well.
I can't wear white well anyway.

1 comment:

Chris and Joy said...

My hero ;)

Okay, you're right, we're unorthodox. I'm not saying I want to be (gasp) normal or play by the book. I'm just wondering if the book could have some good tips. Haha.

Love u.